Founded in 1895, Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze records, develops and furthers knowledge on traditional and contemporary world cultures, including various types of folk, non-elite and popular cultures. It disseminates the notion of tolerance and intercultural education. By following the achievements of ethnologists, ethnographers and folklorists, it creatively develops the knowledge collected by them which relates to these disciplines, as well as ethnology and cultural and social anthropology (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Anthropology”).
Chapter I General Provisions
The name of the Society shall be as follows: “Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze” (abbreviated form: “PTL”), hereinafter referred to as the “Society”.
The Society shall operate in the Republic of Poland.
The registered office of the Society’s Central Board shall be located in Wrocław.
The Society shall be a registered association and shall possess legal personality.
The Society may establish branches subject to the decision of relevant local authorities of public administration, pursuant to the rules specified hereinafter.
Non-profit work of the Society’s members shall lie at the core of its activity. The Society may employ employees, including members of the Society, to manage its affairs.
The Society is a scientific association.
The Society may become a member of domestic, foreign and international scientific associations whose activities are related to anthropology or similar disciplines.
The Society may use stamps, seals and badges of office.
Chapter II Objectives and Types of Activity
The Society’s objective is to model the conditions for the development and deepening of anthropological interests of its members, supporting the development of anthropology, as well as furthering and disseminating it across the society.
The Society shall fulfil its objectives through the following activities:
1. The conducting of scientific research, collecting and maintaining of any materials and information pertaining to historical and contemporary forms of Polish culture, including folk culture, and cultures of other nations and ethnical groups, as well as cultural communities.
2. The organisation of sessions, scientific conferences, lectures, trainings and excursions falling within the scope of the Society’s interests.
3. The voicing of its opinion on the condition and needs of as well as regard for the traditional and contemporary folk, regional and popular national culture, as well as current courses of action pertaining thereto.
4. The conduct of publishing activity pertaining to anthropology and related sciences and disciplines.
5. The creation, maintenance and making available of book collections, archives and data bases pertaining to
anthropology as well as related subjects and disciplines.
6. The taking of actions for the protection, maintenance and revitalisation of cultural heritage, including regional traditions and cultural landscape.
7. The furthering of knowledge of the duty of the protection and maintenance of ethnographic monuments, and the taking of actions relating thereto.
8. The dissemination across the society, including children and young people, of any materials and information on the traditional and contemporary cultures – ethnical, folk and popular – in the Society’s possession.
9. Cooperation with other associations, scientific institutions and organisations in Poland and abroad, with a similar or the same activity profile.
10. Other types of activity shall contribute to the meeting of the chief objective specified in article 10.
Chapter III Rights and Obligations of Members
Members of the Society may be natural or legal persons. A legal person may only be the Society’s sustaining member. A legal person shall act in the Society through its agent, authorised in writing to take such actions by such institution.
Members of the Society shall be divided as follows:
a) ordinary
b) honorary
c) sustaining.
1. Only a Polish citizen of full legal age who wishes to actively carry out the Society’s objectives, and is able to demonstrate their scientific or dissemination activities pertaining to anthropology or related sciences and disciplines may be the Society’s ordinary member.
2. An ordinary member shall be admitted by the Branch’s Board by at least two thirds of the votes on the basis of a membership declaration approved by two introducing members who have been with the Society for at least two years. Member admission shall be approved by the Central Board.
3. Should the decision of the Branch’s Board be negative, the candidate shall be notified about it within two weeks from the decision date. The candidate may appeal to the Central Board within 30 days from the date of receipt of the rejection notification.
4. A newly admitted member shall pay their membership fee as of the year in which they were admitted.
5. The Central Board’s resolutions on the admission of ordinary members to the Society shall be final.
1. Honorary membership in the Society may be conferred by the General Delegates’ Meetings at the request of the Central Board upon persons who have contributed greatly to the development of anthropological sciences or the Society’s activity.
2. Honorary members of the Society shall enjoy all the ordinary members’ rights, shall be exempt from payment of the membership fee, and shall receive the Society’s official magazine “Lud” free of charge.
1. A sustaining member of the Society may be a natural or legal person who supports the Society’s activity with particularly valuable gifts significantly increasing the Society’s property or collections, or who declares content-related assistance pertaining to the fulfilment of the Society’s objectives.
2. A sustaining member shall be admitted by the Society’s Central Board on their own initiative or upon the motion of the Branch or two members containing a justification and signed by the persons making such motion. A sustaining member shall submit a written membership declaration containing a declaration of will to be admitted to the Society and to comply with these Statutes and the resolutions of the Society’s Bodies, and the manner of supporting the Society, as previously agreed upon. The Central Board shall simultaneously make a decision about potential payment of the membership fee.
3. Sustaining members may:
a) Attend General Delegates’ Assemblies and the Society’s scientific meetings
b) Put forward motions pertaining to the Society’s activity
c) Receive the Society’s publications in accordance with their membership rights
d) Participate in all types of the Society’s activity, except for exercising the active and passive voting rights.
4. A sustaining member shall fulfil their obligations, as declared, as well as comply with these Statutes and the resolutions of the Society’s Bodies.
1. Foreigners, especially of Polish descent, living in Poland or abroad, who have rendered great service in the fields falling within the Society’s interests, may also be members of the Society.
2. Foreign members who are permanent Polish residents shall enjoy all the ordinary members’ rights.
3. Foreign members living abroad shall enjoy all the ordinary members’ rights, except for the active and passive voting rights pertaining to the Society’s Bodies. They shall be exempt from payment of the membership fee.
4. The procedures for the admission of foreign members to the Society shall be the same as for Polish citizens.
An ordinary member of the Society may:
1. Elect other members and be elected to the Society’s Bodies.
2. Attend General Delegates’ Assemblies, any general meetings, conferences and scientific conventions and other events organised by the Society, as established by the Society’s Bodies.
3. Make use of any of the Society’s equipment.
4. Receive all kinds of publications of the Society, as established by the Central Board.
5. Put forward motions and demands to all the Society’s Bodies.
An ordinary member of the Society shall:
1. Comply with the provisions of these Statutes and any resolutions adopted by the Society’s Bodies.
2. Actively participate in the Society’s work, and take part in the fulfilment of the objectives specified in these Statutes. An ordinary member’s work for the Society shall be non-profit, except for members employed or hired on the basis of a Contract of Employment, Contract for Specific Task or Mandate Contract.
3. Pay the membership fee on a regular basis.
1. The Membership in the Society shall cease due to:
a) A voluntary resignation submitted in writing to the Central Board directly or through the agency of the relevant Branch’s Board
b) Failure to pay the membership fee for two years without a good reason, after two months from the date of sending the Membership Fee Payment Order
c) Deprivation of public rights by a public court judgement
d) Expulsion from the Society by the Central Board
e) Death of the Society’s member.
2. Members struck off the list of the Society’s members for the reasons specified in clause 1(a) and (b) may be readmitted to the Society in accordance with the procedure specified in these Statutes.
1. The Central Board may on its own initiative or upon the motion of the Branch’s Board expel a member from the Society, should they: act to the detriment of the Society, fail to comply with the provisions of the Statutes or the resolutions of the Society’s Bodies.
2. The resolution on the expulsion from the Society may be adopted by secret ballot only at such meeting of the Central Board where at least two thirds of the Central Board’s members are present, and where at least three fourths of the voters vote in favour of the expulsion.
3. The Central Board’s decision may be appealed against to the General Delegates’ Assembly, submitted in writing within one month from the date of the Central Board’s notification about striking off the register of members.
4. The resolutions of the General Delegates’ Assembly shall be final.
Chapter IV Structural Organisation of Society
1. Members of the Society shall be organised in local Branches.
2. Branches of the Society shall be established by the Central Board in those places where at least 10 member candidates have declared their readiness to join the Society.
3. The Society’s Branches shall be subject to the Central Board.
On the members’ initiative, Problem-orientated Sections may be established by the Central Board at the Central Board or at the Branches; their activity shall correspond to the Society’s scientific interests and may arise out of immediate needs for the elaboration of an anthropological issue. Their operation shall not be permanent, and they shall be dissolved when the elaboration of the issue for which they have been established has been completed; their findings shall be approved by the Central Board or the Branch’s Board respectively.
Chapter V Society’s Governing Bodies
1. The Society’s Governing Bodies shall be as follows:
a) The General Delegates’ Assembly
b) The Central Board
c) The Central Audit Commission
d) The Peer Tribunal.
2. The term of office of the Society’s Governing Bodies shall be 4 years, and their members’ election shall be carried out at the General Delegates’ Assembly by secret ballot.
3. The Society’s Bodies may co-opt new members in place of any outgoing members during the term of office, provided that their number does not exceed one third of the elected members.
A. General Delegates’ Assembly
1. The General Delegates’ Assembly shall be the Society’s supreme body.
2. The General Delegates’ Assembly may be: ordinary or extraordinary. An Ordinary General Delegates’ Assembly shall be called annually by the Central Board for reporting purposes, and every four years for reporting and election purposes.
1. The following persons shall participate in the General Delegates’ Assembly:
1.1. With a decisive vote:
a) Delegates elected at the General Assemblies of the Branches’ Members, as established by the Central Board each time, but not less than one delegate from each Branch.
b) Members of the Central Board, the president of the Central Audit Commission, the president of the Peer Tribunal
1. 2. With a consultative voice:
a) Honorary members of the Society
b) Sustaining members
c) Directors of the Society’s specialist establishments
d) Invited guests.
2. The lists signed by the chairpersons of the General Meetings of the Branches’ Members at which the delegates were elected shall authorise such delegates to attend the General Delegates’ Assembly.
3. The members not specified in clause 1.1. may listen to and speak out during deliberations of the General Delegates’ Assembly; however, they may not vote.
1. The Extraordinary General Delegates’ Assembly shall be called by the Central Board in the following instances:
a) Upon its own initiative
b) Upon the Central Audit Commission’s motion
c) Upon the motion of at least three Branches of the Society.
2. The Central Board shall call the Extraordinary General Delegates’ Assembly within two to eight weeks from the date of the adoption of the resolution, receipt of the motion or the request.
3. The Extraordinary General Delegates’ Assembly shall only discuss the matters for which it was
The Central Board shall notify all members of the Society about the time and place of the General Delegates’ Assembly via the Branches’ Boards at least two months prior to the established date; it shall notify the delegates about the planned agenda directly 14 days prior to the opening of the General Delegates’ Assembly.
The business of the General Delegates’ Assembly shall be as follows:
1. The examination of reports on the activity of the Central Board, the Central Audit Commission and the Peer Tribunal.
2. The giving of a vote of approval to the outgoing Central Board upon the Central Audit Commission’s motion.
3. The appointment of the Central Board, the Central Audit Commission and the Peer Tribunal.
4. The adoption the Society’s action plans for the following term of office.
5. The establishment of the rate of the minimum membership fee. The Branches may establish higher membership fee rates and fee exemption rules at the General Meetings of the Branches’ Members.
6. The examination of the motions of the Central Board, the Central Audit Commission and the Branches’ Boards, provided that the latter have submitted their motions at least 10 days prior to the General Delegates’ Assembly.
7. The conferral of the honorary membership.
8. The adoption of the amendments to these Statutes.
9. The adoption of the resolutions on the Society’s dissolution and liquidation.
10. The adoption of resolutions concerning any other matters which are not reserved for the Society’s other Bodies.
The General Delegates’ Assembly shall appoint the chairperson and secretary of the General Delegates’ Assembly; in the event that the General Delegates’ Assembly has been called for reporting and election purposes, members of the Society’s outgoing Bodies may not take such positions.
1. The General Delegates’ Assembly may adopt resolutions if at least half of the eligible persons with a decisive vote are present.
2. Should the required quorum not be reached, the General Delegates’ Assembly shall be final on the second date, irrespective of the number of the attendees. Unless the notification about the General Delegates’ Assembly’s second date provides otherwise, the General Delegates’ Assembly shall take place half an hour after the first one and in the same place.
1. The ballot during the General Delegates’ Assembly shall be open, unless at least five attendees eligible to vote have requested that it should be secret.
2. The election of members of the Central Board, the Central Audit Commission and the Peer Tribunal, as well as the conferral of Honorary Membership shall be by secret ballot.
3. The chairperson shall order a secret ballot with reference to any other personal matters or a motion submitted pursuant to clause 1 of this article.
Resolutions of the General Delegates’ Assembly shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes, unless these Statutes provide otherwise. Should there be an equality of votes, the chairperson’s vote shall be decisive.
B. Central Board
The Central Board shall consist of 12 members and 2 deputies elected by the General Delegates’ Assembly for a period of 4 years.
The Central Board shall elect from among its members present at the meeting of the Central Board’s Executive Committee: 1 president, 2 to 3 vice presidents, one secretary general, one treasurer and their deputies. The election of a member for the Central Board’s Executive Committee shall not preclude them from being entrusted with the position of an editor or manager of a specific area of activity.
In the event that between two General Delegates’ Assemblies called for reporting and election purposes one seat of the Central Board’s member is vacated, each time the person who received in the election the second greatest number of votes shall take it; the Central Board shall co-opt in such person’s place another person from among the Society’s active members. Should the Central Board’s term of office be continued, this co-optation shall be submitted for approval to the next General Delegates’ Assembly.
1. The meetings of the Central Board shall take place at least once every six months; presidents with a decisive voice or other representatives of the branches’ bodies acting in their place shall attend one of such meetings. The president or one of the vice presidents, or alternatively, the secretary general or their deputy acting on the authority of either of the former, shall notify members of the Board about the time, place and the planned agenda of the meeting.
2. In addition, upon the motion of at least three members of the Board or the president of the Central Audit Commission, the chairperson or the deputy chairperson acting in their place shall call the meeting of the Central Board within 30 days.
3. Resolutions of the Central Board shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes cast in the presence of the president or a vice president, and in the presence of at least half of the members. In the event of an equality of votes, the vote of the meeting’s chairperson shall be decisive.
4. Except for personal matters, voting at the Central Board’s meetings shall be open.
The Central Board’s business shall be as follows:
1. Outside representation of the Society.
2. The management of the overall business of the Society pursuant to these Statutes and the resolutions of the General Delegates’ Assembly.
3. The management of the Society’s property, the management of its movable property, the acceptance of inheritances, gifts, subsidies and bequests.
4. The submission to the General Delegates’ Assembly of content-related reports and financial reports pertaining to the activity specified in these Statutes.
5. The execution of the General Delegates’ Assembly’s resolutions.
6. The drawing up of the following: activity plans as well as long-term and year-long publishing plans; the presentation and publication of reports on the Society’s overall activity.
7. The preparation of materials to be used at the General Delegates’ Assembly and validly submitted motions.
8. The presentation of motions to appoint honorary members, the admission of sustaining members as well as the admission, striking off and expulsion of members.
9. The establishment, mergers and dissolution of the Society’s Branches, the supervision of their activity, the settling of any complaints about resolutions of the Branches and the General Assemblies of the Society’s Branches.
10. The establishment of sections, organisational commissions, consultative bodies and specialist offices to manage specific areas of the Society’s activity.
11. The establishment of the rate of royalties and other professional fees based on the current regulations and the profile of the Society’s publications, the subsidising of justified research programmes and the granting of any awards, diplomas and recognition to anybody who has rendered great service to the Society.
12. The employment, dismissal and rewarding of the Society’s salaried workers.
13. The authorisation of the Central Board’s Executive Committee to take some of the actions specified hereinabove in urgent cases, and the presentation of them for the Central Board’s approval.
14. The Central Board may grant to the managers of the Central Board’s Office, members of the Branches’ Bodies and managers of the Society’s other organisational units general powers of attorney, both special and permanent, to act on behalf of the Society within the limits of the ordinary management. An individual Power of Attorney of the Central Board shall be required each time to make a declaration of will pertaining to any matters exceeding the limits of the Central Board’s ordinary management.
The executive body of the Central Board shall be its Executive Committee, dealing with any matters as authorised by the Central Board and within its limits of competence. A detailed scope of the activities of the Central Board’s members shall be established at the first meeting of the Society’s newly established Bodies.
In order to submit declarations of will and to sign documents on behalf of the Company in any matters in which a change in the Society’s property shall or may be effected, the joint action of the president or one of the vice presidents and the treasurer or their deputy, and in any other matters, the joint action of the president or one of the vice presidents and the secretary general or their deputy shall be necessary.
1. The Central Board shall carry out its duties with the assistance of the Board’s Office.
2. The Central Board’s Office shall be managed by the director employed by the Central Board.
3. The Central Board may authorise the director of the Central Board’s Office to act as the manager of the work place in relation to the employees employed by the Society. However, the employment and dismissal of such employees shall remain the Central Board’s business.
C. Central Audit Commission
1. The Central Audit Commission shall consist of 3 members and 2 deputies elected by the General Delegates’ Assembly for a period of 4 years.
2. The Central Audit Commission shall elect from among its members the president and secretary.
3. The president of the Central Audit Commission may attend the meetings of the Central Board with a consultative voice.
4. Members of the Central Audit Commission shall not be any members of the Central Board or the Society’s permanent employees.
The Central Audit Commission’s business shall be as follows:
1. The examination of the Society’s overall activity specified in these Statutes at least once a year, with special regard to the financial management pertaining to its purposefulness, correctness and reliability. Each time at least one member of the Central Board’s Executive Committee, duly familiarised with the Society’s overall activity, shall take part in the Central Audit Commission’s audit activities.
2. The submission of motions pertaining to audit findings to the Central Board.
3. The supervision of the activity of the Audit Commissions at the Society’s Branches and, should their activity be discontinued, the submission of motions to elect new members of the Audit Commission.
4. The submission of reports and motions based on audit findings at the General Delegates’ Assembly, and putting forward motions to give or refuse to give a vote of approval to the Central Board.
5. If justified, putting forward motions to the Peer Tribunal to dismiss the Board or individual members of the Board during the term of office. A final decision in this regard shall be taken by the General Delegates’ Assembly.
6. The calling of the General Delegates’ Assembly, should the Central Board fail to do so.
1. Should the Central Audit Commission have any doubts in the course of the assessment of the Society’s activity, the Central Audit Commission may request that an expert accountant be hired.
2. The Central Audit Commission shall formulate its findings in the form of records in which its observations and conclusions shall be included.
3. The contents of such records shall be communicated to the Central Board.
D. Peer Tribunal
1. The Peer Tribunal shall consist of 3 members and 2 deputies elected by the General Delegates’ Assembly for a period of 4 years.
2. Members of the Peer Tribunal shall elect from among themselves the president and secretary.
3. The Peer Tribunal shall settle disputes between members of the Society pertaining to their membership in the Society.
4. The Peer Tribunal may, after the announcement of the determination, put forward a motion to strike off or expel members of the Society.
5. The Peer Tribunal’s determination may be appealed against to the next General Delegates’ Assembly.
Chapter VI Branches of Society
1. Branches of the Society may be established in the places where at least 10 member candidates have declared their readiness to join the Society.
2. The Central Board shall define the geographical area of the Branch’s activity. The decision to establish a Branch shall be made pursuant to the Central Board’s resolution.
3. The Branches shall contribute to the Central Board 50% of the minimum membership fees by 31st March of each year for the previous year.
4. Should a Branch of the Society be dissolved, its property and financial resources shall be transferred to the Society.
The bodies of the Branch shall be as follows:
a) The General Assembly of the Branch’s Members
b) The Branch’s Board
c) The Branch’s Audit Commission.
A. General Assembly of Branch’s Members
1. The General Assembly of the Branch’s Members may be as follows: ordinary, convened annually for reporting purposes, convened for reporting and election purposes every 4 years or extraordinary.
2. The Ordinary General Assembly of the Branch’s Members, falling in the year of the General Delegates’ Assembly, shall be held at least 2 weeks prior to such Assembly. The Branch’s Board shall notify members of the Branch about the place, time and planned agenda of the Assembly at least one week prior to the planned date of such Assembly.
3. The Ordinary General Members’ Assembly shall be called by the Branch’s Board as follows:
a) Upon its own initiative
b) Upon the Central Board’s motion
c) Upon the motion of the Branch’s Audit Commission
d) Upon a written motion of at least one-fifths of the Branch’s members.
4. The Ordinary General Assembly of the Branch’s Members shall be called by the Branch’s Board within two to four weeks from the date of receipt of such motion or request.
5. The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Branch’s Members shall only discuss the matters for which it was called.
6. The Branch’s Board shall notify all its members and the Central Board of the place, time, the planned agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Branch’s Members at least one week prior to the planned date of such Assembly.
The business of the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members shall be as follows:
1. The election of the members of the Branch’s Board and Branch’s Audit Commission, and the delegates for the General Delegates’ Assembly.
2. The adoption of the scheme of work and scope of activity for the next period, and the examination and approval of content-related reports and financial reports for the previous period.
3. The adoption of resolutions pertaining to the motions of the Branch’s Audit Commission and motions of the members, provided that they have been submitted to the Branch’s Board in writing at least 3 days prior to the date of the Assembly, or that their submission is to be adopted by the Assembly.
4. The examination of any kinds of members’ complaints about the Branch’s Board.
5. The dealing with any other matters entrusted to it by the Central Board.
6. The adoption of resolutions pertaining to the motion to dissolve the Branch.
1. The General Assembly of the Branch’s Members may adopt resolutions, provided that at least half of the Branch’s members are present.
2. Should the required quorum not be reached, the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members shall be valid on the second date, irrespective of the number of the attendees. Unless the notification about the second date of the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members provides otherwise, such Assembly shall take place half an hour after the first one and in the same place.
3. In order to adopt the resolution pertaining to the motion to dissolve the Branch, a majority of two-thirds of votes and the presence of at least half of the members of the Branch shall be required.
1. Resolutions of the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members shall be submitted for approval to the Central Board within 30 days.
2. The Central Board may repeal a resolution of the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members, if it is in conflict with these Statutes or if it may potentially cause serious material or moral damage. The Branch may appeal against it to the next General Delegates’ Assembly.
3. The closing of a Branch shall be effected by the Central Board’s resolution adopted either on its own initiative or upon a motion of the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members.
B. Branch’s Board
1. The Branch’s Board shall consist of 4 to 7 members and 1 to 2 deputies elected by the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members for a period of 4 years.
2. The Branch’s Board shall appoint from among its members the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
The business of the Branch’s Board shall be as follows:
1. The executions of the resolutions of the General Delegates’ Assembly, Central Board and General Assembly of the Branch’s Members.
2. The calling of the General Assemblies of the Branches’ Members.
3. The admission of new members.
4. The organisation of scientific meetings, lectures, sessions etc., including ones organised at the Central Board’s request.
5. The submission to the Central Board of content-related reports and financial reports pertaining to the activity specified in these Statutes.
6. The submission to the Central Board of the motions to admit or expel the Society’s members.
7. The carrying out at the Branch of the Society’s objectives specified in these Statutes.
8. The submission to the Central Board of any motions pertaining to the Society’s activity.
9. The management of the Branch’s finance resources.
1. Meetings of the Branch’s Board shall be held as often as necessary, but not less frequently than 4 times a year.
2. Resolutions shall be valid provided that at least half of the Board’s members are present, including the president or a vice president.
3. Resolutions shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes.
C. Branch’s Audit Commission
1. The Audit Commission of the Branch shall consist of 3 members and 1 deputy elected by the General Assembly of the Branch’s Members for one term of office.
2. Articles 42, 43 and 44 shall partly apply to the business of the Branch’s Audit Commission and its mode of operation.
Chapter VII Problem-orientated Sections
1. Sections at the Central Board:
a) Problem-orientated Sections shall carry out the Society’s objectives specified in these Statutes with reference to selected anthropological issues, specific areas of anthropology and methods of its furthering.
b) Upon a written motion of at least 15 members of the Society, the Central Board may establish Problem-orientated Sections and approve the scope of their activity.
c) Once every two years a Problem-orientated Section shall, at a members’ meeting, appoint the Section’s Board composed of the following: the president and at least two other members
d) A Problem-orientated Section shall act pursuant to the regulations approved by the Central Board.
2. Sections at the Branches shall be established upon the motion of the Branch’s Board submitted to the Central Board; however, only 5 members shall be required to establish such Section. In any other matters, the same guidelines shall apply to such Sections as to the Sections established at the Central Board.
Chapter VIII Property and Resources of Society
The Society’s property shall include: immovable property, movable property and finance resources.
Finance resources shall include as follows:
1. Membership fees
2. Scientific conventions and conferences entry charges etc.
3. Subsidies granted by public and social institutions and private individuals
4. Inheritances, bequests and gifts
5. Receipts from copyrights and publishing rights
6. Income generated from the Society’ property
7. Income generated from the Society’s activity specified in these Statutes
8. Interests, capital gains.
The Society’s property and financial obligations shall be governed by article 40.
General legal regulations shall be applied to the Society’s accounting and financial reporting. The Central Board shall establish detailed rules for the management of the Society’s money matters, branches and other internal organisational units.
Chapter IX Amendments to Statutes and Dissolution of Society
The resolution on the amendment to these Statutes shall be adopted by the General Delegates’ Assembly by a two-thirds majority of valid votes, in the presence of at least half of the delegates.
1. The resolution on the dissolution of the Society shall be adopted by the General Delegates’ Assembly by a two-thirds majority of valid votes, irrespective of the number of the delegates present.
2. The resolution on the dissolution of the Society shall specify the method of its liquidation and the cause to which the Society’s property shall be conveyed.
3. The part of the resolution on the dissolution of the Society pertaining to the allocation of the property shall be approved by a registration authority.
Chapter X Final Provisions
Decisions pertaining to any matters not governed by these Statutes shall be made by the Society’s relevant Bodies, having regard to the customs, rules of social coexistence and legal regulations pertaining to associations.
Cracow, 2008